Lightning Surge Simulator (LSS)   CDN dedicated to DC power supply coupling for lightning surge tester (DC500V / 60A)
This tester by combining the lightning surge tester, it is possible to perform noise superim-position tests up to DC500V 60A.
In combination with the lightning surge tester body, you can perform tests by switching the applied phase and setting the applied phase sweep.
※When using this superimposition unit, it is necessary to modify the tester body. Please con-tact us for details.

- By using the CHAdeMO connector for the EUT line INPUT / OUTPUT, you can easily perform the DC power supply superimposition test in combination with the light-ning surge tester.
- The tester can be controlled only by operating the surge tester.
※The CHAdeMO connector needs to be prepared by the customer.
※This product is a customized product. Please contact us for details.Specifications
Item Function / Performance s Remarks Coupled surge waveform 1.2/50μ s- 8/20μs combination waveform Maximum coupling surge voltage/current 4.5kV ※1 Coupling circuit 18μF ± 10% Line-to-line DC coupling output waveform Open circuit voltage: 0.5kV to 4.5kV ± 10%
Crest length: 1.2μs ± 30%
Wave tail length: 50μs + 10μs / -10μs
Short-circuit current: 250A to 2250A ± 10%
Crest length: 8μs ± 20%
Wave tail length: 20μs±20%Coupling circuit: 18 μF
Reduced coupling coil: 1.5mH
Cable length: 0.5m on one side
Line input side open
※ 2Discharge mode Line-to-line Coupling circuit: 18 μF Power line configuration for EUT DC:+/- ※3 Power line power capacity for EUT DC500V/60A Reduced coupling coil 1.5mH (standard)
1.3mH / 1.0mH / 0.8mH※4
※5※1: The surge input voltage / current can be up to the maximum value of the generator LSS-F03A3QN2283-02, but the applicable voltage / current at the output end of the CHAdeMO connector is not guaranteed because it depends on the specifications of the CHAdeMO connector.
At the time of shipment of this unit, 4.5kV is inspected as the maximum surge voltage at the “surge output section”.
※2: Specified by the output of the surge measurement terminal. There is no guaranteed waveform at the CHAdeMO connector output end.
※3: Surge is applied only to the DC power supply line. It cannot be applied to the signal line inside the CHAdeMO connector.
※4: The output waveform of the superimposed part is guaranteed only when 1.5mH is set. There is no guarantee of waveform when the value is lowered.
※5: Manual switching with a plug. When testing, set the same value for both lines.Contact
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Lightning Surge Simulator (LSS) Options
For Lightning Surge Simulator CDN UNIT (AC600V / 300A)
Telecom waveform check cable set MODEL : 05-00150A
Waveform Checking Cables Set MODEL : 05-00099A
Terminal Connection Board with Multi-Outlet(3P) MODEL : 18-00048B
Terminal Block for 3P MODEL:18-00047A
Terminal Block for 5P MODEL:18-00044A
DC line input cable MODEL : 05-00136A
AC line input cable (3-phase) MODEL : 05-00135A
AC Line Input Cable (Single phase) MODEL : 05-00134A
Arrester capacitor unit MODEL : 08-00016A
Arrester capacitor unit MODEL : 08-00012A
USB Optical Module Kit MODEL : 07-00022A
Warning Lamp MODEL : 11-00017A
Protective Safety Fence MODEL : 11-00010A
EUT Protective Safety Box MODEL:11-00006A
CDN for Interconnection Lines MODEL : LSS-INJ6401SIG
Isolation Transformer MODEL : TF-6633P
Isolation Transformer MODEL : TF-6503P
Isolation Transformer MODEL : TF-2302P
High-speed communication lines CDN MODEL : F-130814-1004
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