Our company is a user of the Noiseken Coupling Adaptors CA-803A/CA-805B/CA-806 for external interface lines testing. What is the standard which these products comply to?
NoiseKenLike the INS Impulse Noise Simulator main units, the Noiseken Coupling Adapters are based on the company’s original design. However, these options are used by many customers as the de-facto standard instrument. The followings are a few examples of the industry standards referencing Noiseken Coupling Adapters (or equivalent) being used with the INS simulator :
- Nippon Electric Control Equipment Industries Association NECA TR-28 A guide of immunity test method for rectangular-wave impulse noise of electrical machinery and apparatus in industrial use
- The Japan Electrical Manufacturer’s Association JEMA JEM-TR177 A guide of immunity test method for rectangular-wave impulse noise of electrical machineries and apparatus in industrial use