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About Us

Specialist in pulsed EMI simulation

For over 40 years from its foundation in 1975, Noise Laboratory has been focusing on immunity test equipment and related solutions. Now our product lines include various types of immunity test equipment ranging from those conforming to IEC 61000-4 series standards, other international or national immunity standards and even to customer’s in-house test standards.


  • Generators, ESD
  • Generators, Fast Transient/Burst
  • Generators, Impulse
  • Generators, Interference
  • Generators, Lightning,
  • Test Laboratories, EMC/ESD ...... and more 


Impulse Noise Simulators

The company’s first product INS series Impulse Noise Simulator is a kind of universal immunity tester having many unique features, which cannot be met by other type of products. For this product series, the number of units shipped is over 7,000.
This series models have become the de-facto standard instrument for transient disturbance immunity test for power and other leads. The benefits users can enjoy include fast rise time of the generated pulse containing much higher frequency components, pulse widths and coupling mode selection of either of common or normal mode, and others.

ESD simulators

From the release of the first model conforming to the 2nd edition of the IEC 801-2 (now IEC61000-4-2), now Noiseken’s ESD simulator is the fifth generation with more reliability and perfection. The following features remain unchanged from the first generation: 30KV output in both contact and air discharges and easily changeable CR networks.
As an economical option to the best-selling programmable ESD simulator ESS-S3011A, Noiseken released a new product, less expensive manual controlled simulator ESS-B3011A that is also very easy to use while maitaning exactly the basic capability, to more flexibly meet customer’s budget.


  1. 02/04/2025 Information

    Join Telonic/NoiseKen at Southern Manufacturing & Electronics 2025!

  2. 12/04/2024 Information

    Information on year-end and New Year holidays

  3. 10/29/2024 Products & Services

    5GHz to 8GHz Broadband sleeve antenna now on sale

  4. 10/02/2024 Exhibitions & Events

    Optimizing PCB Design: From Schematic to Prototype Testing with NoiseKen EPS and ZUKEN CR-8000

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