Impulse Noise Simulator (INS Series)   EMS Probe Kit MODEL : H2-B
Probes for noise injection onto PCB patterns and flat cables using the Impulse Noise Simulator.
By choosing different probes, it is possible to separate the electric field/magnetic field and perform near field irradiation.
* Max. pulse voltage: 1kV, max. pulse width: 50ns, fastest repetition period: 10 ms)

○ Noise can be applied to any part of a PCB or harness.
○ Allows to detect noise immunity weak points by separating and combining use of electric/magnetic field probes.
○ A set of 3 electric field probes and 3 magnetic field probes with different shapes and sizes.
○ Noise can be applied in the range of several millimeters, allowing to easily identify weak points.
○ Allows to identify weak points for specific frequencies by using a signal generator as a wave source.
○ Suited for locating noise sensitive spots by using with the INS or FNS equipmentContact
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Impulse Noise Simulator (INS Series) Options
Injection probe for high frequency surge resistance test (0.01 μF, 470 pF)
Pulse Injection Cable MODEL:02-H1834
INS-S series Remote Control Software INS-S series RemoteW MODEL : 14-00069A
USB optical interface unit MODEL : 07-00023A
Line output cable MODEL:05-00161A
Line input cable MODEL:05-00160A
USB Optical Module Kit MODEL : 07-00022A
Automatic CDN for Impulse Noise Simulator IJ-AT450
Injection Unit MODEL : IJ-5100Z
Injection Unit MODEL : IJ-4050
Outlet Panel MODEL:18-00069A/71A
Outlet Panel MODEL:18-00059C/60B/84A
INS Direct Injection Capacitor MODEL : 01-00047A
Circuit Breaker Box MODEL : 18-00072A (20A) / 18-00073A (50A)
Coupling Adaptor MODEL : 15-00007A (CA-806/Magnetic field coupling)
Coupling Adaptor MODEL:15-00014A
Coupling Adaptor MODEL : CA-805B (Capacitive coupling)
Radiation Probes MODEL : 01-00006A / 7A / 8A / 9A / 10A / 31A / 50A
Noise Injection Probe MODEL : 01-00034A
Insulating support MODEL : 03-00024A
Cubic Insulating Block100 MODEL : 03-00029A
Test environment MODEL : 03-00020A/39A/7A
Isolation Transformer MODEL : TF-6633P
Isolation Transformer MODEL : TF-6503P
Isolation Transformer MODEL : TF-2302P
Insulating Block MODEL : 03-00054A
Noise Canceller Transformers NCT series
SG Cable MODEL : 05-00103A
SG Connection Plate MODEL : 03-00112A
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